Get to Know CCHS Staffulty Member - Sister Mary Ignatius Heil

Central Catholic High School has entered into a partnership with the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, beginning this school year. One religious sister, Sister Mary Ignatius Heil, has been placed at CCHS to teach theology, and she is living with 4 other Religious Sisters of Mercy at a convent that has already been established in Toledo.

The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma is a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated to the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  Established in 1973 in response to the renewal called for in the Second Vatican Council, it recognizes the Venerable Catherine McAuley as its original foundress.

Throughout the next few years, Central Catholic will work with the Sisters of Mercy to move to a larger convent located near the CCHS campus.  The Sisters of Mercy will also expand their presence to 3 religious sisters teaching at Central Catholic.

CCHS has a rich history of religious sisters ministering to its students.  In fact, Central Catholic has had over 5 different groups of religious sisters work on campus over the past century with Sr. Berneta Schneider, SND, as the last full-time sister on staff in 2020.

We recently spoke with Sister Mary Ignatius about her life and about joining the CCHS faculty.

- Where did you grow up and go to school?
I grew up in Kansas, but my family did migrant work so we traveled all over the great plains states every summer and fall.  I earned college degrees in Nebraska, Florida, and Texas.

- What inspired you to become a religious sister?
A vocation to religious life is a calling received at baptism, but of course I didn't know that!  It wasn't until I was in my early 20s when I started asking the Lord in prayer what He wanted me to do with my life, and a desire to grow ever closer to Him arose in my heart, that the idea was presented to me as a real possibility.  A priest friend suggested I investigate religious life.  I always wanted to do something I considered worthwhile, something that truly helped other people.  My parents also raised me to take my faith seriously.  So when the time came, and everything about the Sisters of Mercy appealed to me, I started down the particular path to religious life!

- How long have you been a sister?
I entered the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, in 2021.

- Why did you choose to become a Sister of Mercy of Alma specifically?
The RSMs appealed to me when I first learned about them because of the seriousness with which they took education, lifelong formation, and the capacities of women to serve the Church and Her members in such a variety of roles.  As I discerned with the Sisters and entered formation, their charism of mercy became the primary draw: a call to union and charity with my Sisters; the joy of our life together; of serving the poor, sick, and ignorant through corporal and spiritual works of mercy; and the emphasis on common celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day in a beautiful way.  Wherever there are Sisters of Mercy, there will be laughter and beautiful liturgies!

- How are the Sisters of Mercy of Alma different from other sisters that we have had at Central Catholic, and in what ways are they similar?
Every institute or order has its own charism.  A charism is a gift of the Holy Spirit given to the founder or fondress of an institute for the good of the Church.  Ours is the charism of mercy, or in the words of our fondress, Venerable Mother Catherine McAuley, “My legacy to the institute is union and charity.”  We emphasize a common life, prayer in common, participation daily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the wearing of a distinctive habit in public as a public witness, among other things. 

- Have you always been a teacher, or did you have other responsibilities before coming to Central Catholic?
This is my 1st time teaching as a Sister, although I've done faith formation for 2nd through 6th graders as a Sister.  Before entering religious life, I taught philosophy at the University of Dallas and Holy Trinity Seminary, both in Irving, Texas. 

- What do you think of Central Catholic, its students, and its staff so far?
I love working here at Central Catholic.  Everyone has welcomed me so warmly!  The staffulty is very supportive and helpful, and the students are a great group of kids.  I am privileged to be here.

- What impact do you hope to make on the students you are teaching?
I hope the students in my classroom grow in their knowledge and love of God, no matter where they are in their relationship with the Lord.  I want them to know that the Lord loves them unconditionally and is always drawing them to Himself, to become more and more the person He's calling them to be!

- Why is it important for Catholic schools to have sisters teaching their students? 
A religious sister in habit is a witness to the merciful love of Christ for His Church, and that is why I am here: as a convergence point of the mercy of God with the misery of mankind.

- What do you look forward to about having additional Sisters of Mercy of Alma come to Central Catholic in the next few years?
I'm excited to have more of my Sisters join me at Central Catholic!  I don't know yet who will come, nor do I know what they're going to teach, but it's going to be great.  I love my Sisters and I'm growing in my love of CCHS, so the more the merrier!


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